Best pet dog training treats

I love training treats for dogs! I’m a long time user of high-value training treats when teaching my dogs polite behavior and tricks. From potty training my 8-week-old Boxer mix puppies Missy & Buzz to teaching my 1-year-old Feist mix Wally the “play dead” trick, pet dog training treats have Read more…

Activities for your dog

Note: say thanks to you to dog fence DIY for providing these tips for providing activities for your dog. Have you ever noticed your dog doing something that you never taught it to do, however that it did so naturally as well as with such focus that it made you stop Read more…

Cum îmi fac câinele de companie să fie calm?

Încerc să dezvolt o rutină de complimentare a oamenilor pe comportamentul câinilor lor. Nu apariția, dimensiunea sau rasa lor, ci comportamentul lor. Ca și cu orice altceva, oamenii sunt mult mai probabil să complimenteze sau să critice aspectul unui câine, mai degrabă decât comportamentul ei. Doar luați un Terrier Staffordshire Read more…